REIT and InvIT Discussion Group. JOIN Whatsapp Group link to share your thoughts and get insights into others' thoughts on the topic of REITs and InvITs. Please note that if you choose to join the group, you are needed to reveal your basic identification for security purposes and follow guidelines. Guidelines are to be followed strictly please
Main Guidelines for Whatsapp group: 1. Respect the purpose and objective of the group. It shouldn’t be used to send messages or content of a personal or religious or political in nature. AVOID politics or religion, please avoid placing such content and no unnecessary debates please. Violent or pornographic material strictly prohibited. 2. Please do not post messages between 21h00 in the evening and 07h00 (IST) in the morning. 3. Don’t use group to send good wishes, memes, or unrelated videos/ pictures/ news. This group cannot be used to circulate any inappropriate content whatsoever or to malign anyone's reputation. 4. Please share content, information or “news” that is verified. Placing content whose authenticity has not been definitively proven can be dangerous and harmful to many people. WhatsApp/Telegram is infested with lies and it’s better to put a stop to them than to be guilty of spreading them. The administrator reserves rights to terminate membership from the group.
REIT investing in India is at a nascent stage currently, and it is our sincere effort to disseminate knowledge on the subject. Our training and upskilling options are therefore meant to suit varied requirements, where you can either start with introducing yourself to REITs and InvITs or dive deeper to upskill yourself further. Our offerings are thus broadly categorized here-under:
a) Pre-recorded content (2 offerings)
b) Group Classes, interactive group learning
c) One to One sessions (Full Package or Single session)
d) Corporate Trainings (on request)
You can choose from the several options available here, to learn and apply skills related to REIT and InvIT investing, specifically in the context of India. If you are new to REITs, you may first like to go to our main website "" and read up a little from there!